islenska` 31.03.06 ㄨ ςϋммзг ςťäгҒІςн 夏日の星星鱼ㄨ ™
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Sunday, January 31, 2010

A special moment you enjoyed with you family

Family time is something that is usually neglected by most Singaporeans, especially in families where both parents are working. However, it is a very important part of our lives. It strengthens the bonds between family members and allows them to get together as a family. Therefore we should always make the most out of the time we have together with our families. I myself believe strongly in this.

Strolling through the park with my cousin, I could see the smoke rising from the barbeque pit in the distance. It was my birthday and my family and I decided to have a barbeque at East Coast Park to celebrate. My cousin tagged along as well as he had nothing better to do. Bouncing excitedly towards the barbeque pit, we could already smell the chicken wings and sausages sizzling on the grill. Sure enough, by the time we arrived at the barbeque pit, my mother was already setting a few chicken wings on paper plates to allow them to cool down.

My cousin rushed towards one of the plates and grabbed a chicken wing with a lightning-fast pounce. Devouring it within seconds, I could tell that he was extremely hungry. Or just greedy. Everyone laughed at such a comical sight while he just stared at us unrepentantly. Soon everyone was eating together, chatting and laughing. Eating together with the family provided a stark contrast to usually eating alone or with friends in school. After eating, we walked towards the beach, the sandy floor beneath our feet. Waves washed over our feet, occasionally getting high enough to just reach just below our knees.

Soon the day drew to a close and the sun was once again shrouded behind the clouds. As we on our way home, I felt happy and contented as I could spend a day with my family and spending time together. Hopefully I would have other chances like this in the future as well!


Posted On || 10:13 PM

A problem you encountered and how you solved or managed it

“The valance shell of an atom has 18 electrons while…” Listening to my chemistry teacher drone on and on about atoms, shells and whatnots, I could have sworn nearly half the class was asleep. As usual some of them had already dozed off, others reading storybooks under the table. And as always the teacher was so engrossed with boring us to death that he was oblivious to the lack of attention he was receiving. As for me I was struggling to understand and digest the gibberish our teacher was throwing at us like he expected everyone to be able to understand immediately. Frantically copying down notes, not even sparing them a second glance for fear of missing something, I briefly wondered how I was going to pass my chemistry at this rate…

As soon as the bell rang, I rushed over to the tables of my friends Zachary and Wei Liang and immediately started a discussion with them about the notes we copied during class. Reviewing the notes with my friends and discussing the points we managed to understand, I managed to grasp the topic a little better. However at this rate, I wasn’t going to pass the upcoming exam on Chemistry.

Brainstorming for ideas on how to overcome this obstacle, I scoured through the textbook, assessment books and even the Internet. However, without a teacher to mentor and guide me, the information provided little success. Preparing for the worst, I read the topic again and again, digesting and processing what little information I could remember while juggling homework from the other subjects and my CCA training.

With a few weeks left to the CA1 exam, I was getting desperate. I even contemplated getting a temporary tuition teacher but decided against it as I did not have the time to attend the long tuition hours. Suddenly an idea stuck me. I was appalled that I didn’t think of it earlier as it was the most obvious solution. I could stay back after school and have personal supplementary lessons from my teacher!

Cursing my stupidity, I immediately requested after-school lessons from my teacher. After making some minor changes to her schedule, she promptly agreed. Diligently staying back even after the bell that marked the end of school rang, I received the tutorage of my teacher. Slowly I started to grasp the topic much more easily thanks to the fact that she patiently explained any theories I did not understand. Finally the day of reckoning arrived. As the test paper was laid in front me, I mentally reviewed all that I had learnt during my short lessons with my teacher. Minutes passed, then an hour. Soon I was done, with half an hour to spare. Conscientiously checking through my answers, I fervently prayed that I could at least pass the test.

A few days passed and the papers were given back. I could hardly believe it when I scanned through the paper. The time and effort spent was well spent. There, on the top corner of the paper, was a big fat 90! I leapt with joy, thanking my teacher for helping me achieve my goal. Without her, I could never have solved my problem!


Posted On || 10:00 PM

A moment spent alone doing something you enjoyed

The Japanese culture has always been a fascination for me, particularly the Japanese language.It always amazed me how the Japanese rapidly fired their words at a breath-taking speed, causing me to wonder if the recipient of the Japanese “bullets” actually understood what was being thrown at them.I was mostly inspired by the various anime I watched, Japanese animation that was readily available on the internet. I was hooked on them, watching as many episodes as I could manage within my free time.

Having such a strong interest in Japanese, it was definitely stupid not to do something about it. As if on cue, one of my friends discovered a website where you could learn Japanese online. Of course, I was thrilled and checked it out immediately. Upon attempting to enter the site, I was appalled that the site was only assessable with Mozilla Firefox. Shrugging my shoulders in defeat, I downloaded Firefox and slowly waited for the green loading bar to fill.

After what seemed like an eternity, it was finally done. Staring at the page, I briefly wondered how long I was going to take to learn passable Japanese. The page was filled with Japanese words. There were 3 different types of Japanese words, namely hiragana, katakana and kanji. I resolved to work hard and achieve my goal.

The first few days were a constant struggle as I had no help from anyone or any base foundation. Constantly backtracking to reread the information I was trying so hard to digest, I felt that I couldn’t go on. But determined to never give up, I persevered. Slowly I built a foundation and learning the words gradually became easier. Soon I was enjoying learning the new language as I could understand it better. After a few weeks I could speak some crudely formed sentences and write some Japanese words as well. Not bad considering I learnt everything by myself! Who says you can’t enjoy something that you do by yourself? For my case it was both a fruitful and enjoyable experience!

Posted On || 9:51 PM

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Something unusual that happened that day

“What? You can’t be serious right? Nobody told us anything at all!” Everyone was shouting something along those lines, outraged at the apparent “invasion” of the school field. We watched helplessly as Victorians in their black-and-yellow jerseys streamed into the field, closely followed by the purple-wearing students of Queenstown Secondary, with the main, striking similarity being that both teams were wearing knee-high soccer socks.

Our school field was being taken from us, the Track and Field team, by the soccer teams.

This shocking reality only hit us when we watched the two soccer teams walk into the school field, the captain of our school soccer team jogging towards us to inform us that the school field would be taken over by the soccer team. All of us left in indignation, reluctantly “lending” the field to them for their friendly match. Getting ejected from the only place we could “officially” throw, we decided to improvise. After scouring through the school grounds, we improvised the grass field behind the hostel as our throwing grounds. The throwing started smoothly enough, the fence separating us from the field not hindering us unduly. The trouble only started when my senior, Zhao Chen, threw a javelin into a tree…

A blue javelin wedged in a tree

It was quite a comical sight, seeing a javelin wedged in between the branches of a 10 meter tall tree. The entire team gathered around the tree, starting up helplessly at the stuck javelin. After brainstorming for a few minutes, someone came up with the idea of hitting it down with various objects, namely other tree branches lying around, a volleyball and another javelin. The main flaw of the tree branches were that they were too short and thin, bouncing off the tree harmlessly. The javelins we threw didn’t fare much better. We gave it up when the javelins we threw threatened to wedge themselves in the tree together with the original javelin. However, it was the volleyball that saved the day. Aiming it at the javelin, we started throwing the volleyball at it, missing it a few times. The impact wasn’t enough on the first few tries as well even when it hit. We hit the jackpot when one of the members threw it directly up, hitting the javelin with enough force to knock it down. Everyone cheered, rejoicing at the return of the javelin, though it was quite an amusing sight, everyone getting so euphoric over such a small matter. Our delight slowly turned to annoyance as even more javelins got stuck in the trees. The training session slowly turned into a “javelin retrieval” session. Our coach even joked that we should complain to the media in order to get the government to build another field for us to throw in instead of using such a pathetic makeshift practice ground!

I have never seen a cat stuck in a tree in my entire life but following that particular training session, I can finally brag that I have seen a javelin get stuck in a tree. Not something you see everyday huh? It was truly an interesting and unusual event that happened during a monotonous training session. What a lot of hoo-ha over an overgrown metal toothpick!

Javelin retrieving 101

Posted On || 7:02 PM

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Something that took place in school

“Mr. Sng! Look out!” I cried out in contradicting dumbstruck horror, following the seemingly doomed flight path of the javelin hurtling towards my Track and Field teacher Mr. Sng. I was sure that the javelin would impale him judging from its trajectory, therefore causing our school to make the headlines the following day. If only I knew what was in store for me when I attended CCA training that day…

The much awaited ringing of the school bell that marked the end of each day seemed to come later than usual, the last period being the mundane subject of History which was my most hated subject. At the end of a long and arduous day no one was quite in the mood for Qin Shi Huang and World War Two, especially in a stuffy classroom where the “rotating” fan blades produced hardly anything at all except a distracting “clack clack clack”. What’s more, I still had to slog through my Track and Field javelin training, although throwing long, sharp metal sticks into a grass field does have stress removing properties. When the bell finally rang, it was like a gift from heaven, calling out to us like moths to a flame. Little did I know that a flame was indeed waiting for me later that day.

Jonathan getting ready to throw a javelin

As usual our teacher-in-charge Mr. Sng supervised our training, giving us tips here and there while we threw, or rather for the newer members, flung our javelins. As he stood on the other side of the field, observing the distance our javelins covered, shaking his head ever so slightly whenever a javelin spun out of control, he turned abruptly without warning, just as I released a javelin from my hand. I watched in horror as the metal pole cut through the air like a hot knife through butter, shooting towards Mr. Sng like a deadly arrow. I shouted a warning at him, the oversized metal toothpick still gaining speed and threatening to pierce my teacher through the gut. At the last moment he miraculously turned to the side, oblivious as the javelin whizzed past his head harmlessly, embedding itself in the grass a few centimeters away from where he was standing. I thought that such close and exaggerated misses only happened in movies but clearly I was mistaken!

Realising that he was almost skewered by me, Mr. Sng’s face turned the brightest shade of red you could imagine, looking very much like a beetroot. Showering me with an interesting combination of incoherent shouting and flying spittle, coupled with wild hand and leg movements, I could tell throwing another javelin that was within a ten meter radius from him was a very bad idea. Oh well, I guess you can consider the chances of the javelin missing to be on par with the chances of a golf novice getting a hole in one, though I definitely would not want a hole in any one of my teachers!

My senior Zhao Chen skillfully throwing a javelin (and not hitting anyone)

Posted On || 6:14 PM

Yeah I noe should have written this MUCH earlier. So yeah.

-BLOG IS/WAS DEAD- will be TEMPO active till 29 Jan. Why? Coz of ENGLISH BLOGGING ASSIGNMENT 2010 (aka Blogging for 50% CA1 Marks). So yeah dun get ur hopes up. After 29 Jan will be dead agn.

Also the next few posts will be like compositions so if u wan comment thn comment nth to comment dun flame/troll. Yeah ok. Time to start blogging for 50% english marks...

Lastly Happy belated birthday/christmas/new year/whatever to everyone for th past year. Yeah i noe. Oh and Happy Birthday to me ytd...

Posted On || 6:06 PM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ok... really long time since I last posted. But hey, its sec schl... projects,exam,homework etc. Anyway, good news!!!(for me at least... =P)
1. Got 3rd for Discus and 4th for Javelin.
2. Won the pi recitation contest.
3. A1 for all subjects in CA1.
4. Got 1st in class for CA1.
ya, thats about it. HOLIDAY FASTER COME!!!!! SCHL VERY SIAN!!!! T_T

Posted On || 8:43 PM

Personal Info

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ㄨ ςϋммзг ςťäгҒІςн 夏日の星星鱼ㄨ ™

Disclaimer: Nothing from my blog is to be reproduced or used without my permission. All rights reserved.

About Me

Name: Patrick Seet
Age: 14
School: Victoria School.
Likes: Maplestory, Technology, Science, Chocolate, Anime.
Hates: Homework, Stress, Maths.
I play Maplestory(MapleSEA)
Add me at--MapleSEA: Fr0zenCore and Fr0zenAuraz


I want a new computer/PSP/DS/XBOX 360/PS3

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