islenska` 31.03.06 ㄨ ςϋммзг ςťäгҒІςн 夏日の星星鱼ㄨ ™
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Friday, October 31, 2008

sian... I WAN PSP AAAAHHHHH!!!! anyway, any 6/O boys reading tis if u hv and ideas 4 the farewell pt, pls tell me/Jack/Benedict/Wei Zhong. ty. and dun forget 2 add me MSN. id u see 2 accounts com up add the one with the personal message: I'm behind you...

Posted On || 10:12 PM

Sunday, October 26, 2008

hi everyone. i juz created a msn acc today pls add me:

Posted On || 4:51 PM

Friday, October 24, 2008

YAY! today go snow city so fun ^_^. But dam cold nia. only fingers and nose though. body and face quite ok but lungs pain but still fun. we sat the slide thingy and everyone keep kicking me when we go down O.o then i crash at the bottom then somersault quite far and turn and turn and turn... the food very ex but quite nice. Oh we also make ice-cream...with LIQUID NITROGEN! so fun and cold. i wonder where is the finger on the floor...XD. Lmao. we make chocolate flavour. the person at first pour 2 table spoon but then suddenly accidentally pour one VERY BIG chunk of chocolate syrup. in the end very nice and sweet =D. I love snow city, hope can go again but must bring face mask...

Posted On || 1:25 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008

zzz so long nvr post le. This post is meant for 15 Oct. Anyway, today went Jack's house dam suay lor. Go KFC that time my meltz kena give 2 the girls then must buy another one >.< Then play tennis/squash that time kena bully by the girls make me pick up all the tennis balls. Then the most suay one: Benedict play squash then dunno hw can use the tennis racket whack until my face dam pain nia. T_T Almost squash my eyeball. O.o But nw ok le la, nt so pain. But also nt his fault la. But overall quite fun la. BTW, anybody wan go Victoria tell me hor. (246-272)Express

Posted On || 9:00 PM

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ok everybody. I put up the new Miniclip game box at the bottom since so many ppl like 2 play Miniclip (I dun really like, just so-so only -_-). Pls giv any comments on hw to improve this blog via the chatbox. And NO CHANGING OF BLOGSKIN AND URL!

Posted On || 4:09 PM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nw chinese lesson com lab so noisy. Everyone on com so loud. Sian lazz. Haiz .sian

Posted On || 8:50 AM

Pls dun ask me to change the url alot of other url cannot and i lazy 2 think.

Posted On || 8:20 AM

yay 2day go Com Lab. Miss Poon bring de. nw nothing 2 do pls link my blog.zzz.zzzzz.zzzzzz. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Y am i spamming my own blog...?

Posted On || 8:19 AM

Monday, October 13, 2008

zzz nothing to do so just created a blog... -_-

Posted On || 3:15 PM

Personal Info

Welcome to

ㄨ ςϋммзг ςťäгҒІςн 夏日の星星鱼ㄨ ™

Disclaimer: Nothing from my blog is to be reproduced or used without my permission. All rights reserved.

About Me

Name: Patrick Seet
Age: 14
School: Victoria School.
Likes: Maplestory, Technology, Science, Chocolate, Anime.
Hates: Homework, Stress, Maths.
I play Maplestory(MapleSEA)
Add me at--MapleSEA: Fr0zenCore and Fr0zenAuraz


I want a new computer/PSP/DS/XBOX 360/PS3

Music Playlist at


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