islenska` 31.03.06 ㄨ ςϋммзг ςťäгҒІςн 夏日の星星鱼ㄨ ™
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Thursday, November 20, 2008

AAAHHHHH PSLE SCORE 259 ONLY!!!! AAHHHHH!!! lol. EL and SC get A*, MA and CL get A. :P I thought my chinese can get A* also... nvm maybe is pro A. XD. Anyway, for those in Coral Primary, u shld no who gt 1st... Beatrix Chan again. 274 nia, so pro... and Benedict gt 268! So lucky. I so sad T_T wan cry le. He also 4 A*. Oh and 4 those tat dun no, the highest score this year is 287 and is frm Nanyang Primary... i thought will be frm St Hilda's. Ok so bye then... nothing to say le.

Posted On || 3:59 PM

Monday, November 17, 2008

ps so long nvr post le. anyway i dun wan say so much... later cry... anyway the farewell party was fun and there were games and performances like our skit"Where in the world is Mas Selamat" and Roy singing "I'm Yours" while playing it on the piano. Wa, he very talented nia. and the school also gave out prizes like vouchers and stuff. BUT THEY ALSO GAVE OUT A MP4 PLAYER WITH A CAMERA,2GB!!!!!!! I WANT! no la. anyway after te party , ALOT PPL CRY!!! i almost cry... very sad wont see everybody already... a few boys cry also... ok ok i dun wan talk le i nw wan cry... to all Coral students and teachers, I WILL MISS YOU!!! And i nt putting te graduation song on my blog coz i will cry even more... and pls all coral students add me msn at: . there will be 2 accs, add the one with the very long personal message. and pls tell me who are you. ty.

Posted On || 8:23 AM

Friday, November 7, 2008

lol yesterday me,jack,benedict,wz and praveen went to dunman sec for some DNA and Enzymes science trail thingy. Was quite fun and we extracted the DeoxyriboNucleic Acid(DNA) of a strawberry. Nw its at home... dunno wat to do with it. oh and BTW, to all P6 students, 6/O HAS an item for the P6 farewell party. We juz could not make it in time for the audition as that day must go for the science trail so stop saying our class very good dun need do.

Posted On || 10:56 AM

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ㄨ ςϋммзг ςťäгҒІςн 夏日の星星鱼ㄨ ™

Disclaimer: Nothing from my blog is to be reproduced or used without my permission. All rights reserved.

About Me

Name: Patrick Seet
Age: 14
School: Victoria School.
Likes: Maplestory, Technology, Science, Chocolate, Anime.
Hates: Homework, Stress, Maths.
I play Maplestory(MapleSEA)
Add me at--MapleSEA: Fr0zenCore and Fr0zenAuraz


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