islenska` 31.03.06 ㄨ ςϋммзг ςťäгҒІςн 夏日の星星鱼ㄨ ™
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Thursday, January 22, 2009

added new songs. tmrw going back to coral le... hope they let us in >_>

Posted On || 3:02 PM

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

WHOOHOOO!!! yay, my schl won the Science Buskers Competition(refer to previous post). looking forward to going back to coral on friday. ok bye nth to say...again >.<

Posted On || 4:25 PM

Thursday, January 15, 2009

YAY today my birthday =D. so ate at Sakae Sushi for lunch(YAY JAPANESE FOOD). present -.-''' jk la dun hv also nvm. i nt so materialistic...or i THINK thts hw its spelt. ok... and pls help my schl win the competition by following the steps below.(PLS PLS support my schl -.-)

DO YOUR PART and support Pyro Cyro and 3Buskeeters in
their quest for glory in the Science Buskers Competition.

What can you to do to support?
1)Click on each of the links below.

Pyro Cyro


2) View the videos.

3) Give them comments and good ratings.

The viewership number and ratings contribute to their score in the
final round.

Lets wish them all the best in the grand finals on Saturday.

The Science Busking Team


Posted On || 9:51 PM

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

and i added some maple games to my blog coz nth to do. (yes, i like maple tht much even though all of u hate it f3)

The controls are these keys for MOST of the games but the effects differ.


But for all games, Spacebar is jump and if u hold it it's flash jump.
And ps for the lag.

Posted On || 5:45 PM

LOL 2day smthing quite funny happen. as u noe, i take schl bus de. so 2day when the bus driving then suddenly like become very slow... thn keep stop and start again. thn at the HIGHWAY(only 2 lanes), the bus broke down... -.-''' thn the whole bus was like LOL and XD. somomre since is highway so onli hv 2 lanes and we were taking up 1 whole lane so like almost hv traffic jam but still hv 1 lane so still quite ok. the bus driver call LTA,traffic police,other bus drivers la. 10 min ltr the traffic police and LTA come wif a tow truck. thn the ppl try to restart the bus by shaking it frm left to right... but nth happen f3. and tht tow truck sit thr so long nvr even do anything... then abt 15 min ltr the tow truck com and tow us *FINALLY*. but, it tow us for abt 20m thn stop. dunno y. thn ltr another bus frm the same bus agency com to pick us up. and... we were 1hr 10min late for schl... diaoz... -.-'''. b4 the new bus com and pick us up, everyone in the bus all take out phone and ply/listen music/do stuff(nt tht cannot in the bus but usually no one take out la but we all very bored) i even took 2 videos as evidence tht the bus broke down in cas kena scold. as i used my fren's phone, i will upload the vids in abt 2 days time but i try tmrw if can. stay tuned for the vids. (btw if u dun find this funny its ok coz u read it like this is nt rly funny but if u were thr at tht time to witness it then it was very funny. oh and rmbr to read the newspaper tmrw coz MAYBE hv our story as 1 LTA guy take our photo. but i dunno if rly hv hor. dun blame me if dun hv)

Posted On || 3:02 PM

Monday, January 12, 2009

SUPER SUPER PS... so long nvr post le... but also not my fault ma. schl start liao cannot use com le T_T sian la so much homework and project i dam stressed sia. i maybe wan transfer to coral sec f3... nt rly la but if i cannot cope then i MAYBE might but i dun think so ba. anyway, VS is kinda nice and stuff, canteen quite nice finally hv soft drink nt like pri schl and also hv ice kachang. wa the ice kachang so big $1 onli sia. and to those tht keep asking me wat CCA i joining i shld be joining IT club if can go in. and pls dun say i very nerd hor the it club is nt juz sit in front of com everyday. hv robotics design, website design, national IT competition organising, everyweek hv 1 day ply sports, and also this yr is the pioneer batch of students tht will be learning hw to use a java program to design games and animations such as: Maplestory, Sims, Second Life etc. then can sell the games for alot of $$$ XD. no la i nt so money face. wa i nw thn notice this post so long... nvm make up for the other posts. haha lols. and can some of u pls tell me if i shld take higher chinese.(and IP when i sec 2). although i think i already noe wat most of u would say... ok i gtg liao. bye all

Posted On || 5:28 PM

Personal Info

Welcome to

ㄨ ςϋммзг ςťäгҒІςн 夏日の星星鱼ㄨ ™

Disclaimer: Nothing from my blog is to be reproduced or used without my permission. All rights reserved.

About Me

Name: Patrick Seet
Age: 14
School: Victoria School.
Likes: Maplestory, Technology, Science, Chocolate, Anime.
Hates: Homework, Stress, Maths.
I play Maplestory(MapleSEA)
Add me at--MapleSEA: Fr0zenCore and Fr0zenAuraz


I want a new computer/PSP/DS/XBOX 360/PS3

Music Playlist at


[Hidden Street] [MapleSEA] [6/O] [Wybert] [Benedict] [Colleen] [Charis] [Yu Qi] [Wei Zhong] [Jun Hong] [Jack] [Amos] [Yong Jin] [James] [Shelry] [Lim Qing] [Friend] [Friend] [Friend]


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