islenska` 31.03.06 ㄨ ςϋммзг ςťäгҒІςн 夏日の星星鱼ㄨ ™
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Sunday, February 8, 2009

and have fun with the big red button too. XD (its under the chatbox)

Posted On || 11:23 AM

Lol so long nvr post liao. but also nth interesting happen so... anyway, I got into track and field and FINALLY ESCAPED CHOIR!!!!!!!(I wanted to join track and field anyway) they dunno y anyhw put me in choir when its nt even in my 5 choices so i go appeal. lucky appeal sucess if nt die liao... >.< i'm joining javeline BTW. ok gtg liao.

Posted On || 11:18 AM

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Welcome to

ㄨ ςϋммзг ςťäгҒІςн 夏日の星星鱼ㄨ ™

Disclaimer: Nothing from my blog is to be reproduced or used without my permission. All rights reserved.

About Me

Name: Patrick Seet
Age: 14
School: Victoria School.
Likes: Maplestory, Technology, Science, Chocolate, Anime.
Hates: Homework, Stress, Maths.
I play Maplestory(MapleSEA)
Add me at--MapleSEA: Fr0zenCore and Fr0zenAuraz


I want a new computer/PSP/DS/XBOX 360/PS3

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